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Media Transfer formats

CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, and 3.5” disks are acceptable.
If you would like to send a file via the www, click here to upload to our drop box (this is very easy)

The file to be used for reproduction of images should be in one of the following formats:
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, TIFF, Corel Draw, PDF, or an EPS file.
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, PDF and EPS files are preferred.
(Ai or PDF will render a much smaller file than EPS)

Fonts should be converted to outlines or curves. Logos should be converted to vector files whenever possible.

Color proofs should accompany any disks being sent to ensure accurate reproduction.

Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors should be noted on the proofs sent in or in writing.
The graphics department will match PMS colors as closely as possible using the 4-color process.

File Sizes

Vector based files may be small and still produce excellent results, but raster (bitmap) types must meet
certain requirements in order to be printed adequately in a large size. Photoshop files should be saved at
75 to 150 ppi at full size.

Whenever possible, Photoshop layers should be left intact. For larger images, please call for recommendations.

Make sure to embed color profiles when saving files.